3 reviews liked by Mystic_Ruin



Lovely little game. Strikes the right balance of moody/atmospheric and taxing puzzles.

I preferred the vibe when it was all woodlands rather than when it became a factory/industrial type setting. The black and white visuals and minimalist audio made it really creepy, especially when dealing with the giant spider (which isn't a spoiler because it's right there on the thumbnail/box art). I feel like when you progress to the industrial part the game loses some of that creepiness. Instead the fear is in the form of some really tough puzzles instead.

I'm not sure if this was by design or not, but I found when the protagonist died to be really funny. Collision with dangerous objects results in them rag dolling to the ground or being skewered and going limp. Later on you can actually get blown to pieces. It all sounds quite graphic, which it is, but for some reason it comes across quite slapstick.

The only major complaint is I found the jump to be a bit unresponsive. I got used to it after a while but every time I came back to the game I had to remind myself that there's a delay on it.

Other than that, this is a great way to spend a few hours.

I know for a fact that the ex-boyfriends apartment smelled like balls before she moved in

This feels and plays like a PS2 game that got released on PS3, then remastered for PS4 and I played it on a PS5. The only other God of War I've played is the "reboot" PS4 game and can see why they felt they needed to press the rest button after this title.

It's a very satisfying game to get through. The pace never drops and you don't feel overwhelmed by the enemies until later in the game. It makes you actually feel like a powerful god rather than struggling your way through. Combat could feel a bit "meatier" and less floaty.

It's nice to play a game that you can actually play and not have to learn countless crafting systems or worry about skill trees etc. Upgrading weapons is easy and straight forward leaving you to focus more on playing the game.

While it feels a bit dated, it's definitely a fun experience that doesn't outstay it's welcome.