Well, beating this on my birthday sure was a nice surprise! Especially since this was a pretty great game overall. It was my Secret Santa game in fact, which was something me and my discord fellas participated in. I'll link the list I did for that here.

Any who, yeah this was really good. I beat Prime 1 last year for the first time and thought it was awesome. So I was excited to see how 2 fared and I was not disappointed. I do think 1 was better overall as 2 has higher highs in some parts of the game and lower lows but it's still really good even compared to 1.

When it comes to straight up improvements, there's a couple things 2 did extremely well compared to 1. Loading times are all faster, it takes like half the time for you to get to a new area now. Scans now go from red or blue to green when scanned and are much easier to see if they've been scanned or not. The scanning especially being a lot better than 1's would definitely make me miss it when I replay that eventually lol.

Obviously the game's big mechanic is the dark and light worlds and honestly, I thought it was awesome. I've heard some people say they found it tedious, and I never really had an issue with it. I thought it added a cool spin on Prime's gameplay and made you think. It could make the game difficult somewhat, especially when fighting some of those dark world bosses but I liked that.

Speaking of the bosses, they're very interesting in this one. Overall, I'd say they were an improvement from 1 tho there were a couple that were a pain in the ass. Spider Guardian obviously being the main culprit for most people. I didn't hate it but man was it frustrating trying to figure out what to do while fighting it cuz that one can be brutal. A lot of the bosses were actually pretty tough, they were certainly more complex than 1's bosses. Those last few tho, the 2nd Dark Samus fight...Quadraxis and the whole set of final bosses were easily the best in the game and better than all of Prime 1's bosses. At first I was a little disappointed with the boss roster in 2 but after fighting the endgame ones, overall I do think 2 has better bosses than 1.

Now the biggest thing I think that's holding this game back from being better than 1, is its world. Prime 1 was basically Super Metroid in 3D. You had a very interconnected world to explore that was more into showing not telling. Prime 2 is more similar to Fusion with its bigger focus on storytelling and more linear world. The game is definitely not quite as linear or focused on story as Fusion, but it definitely feels like it took inspiration from it. The world is broken up into 3 main areas to explore and 1 overworld type area you go back and forth from. Rather than exploring at your own pace like Prime 1, it feels more like you're guided around slightly as you have to go back to the hub to unlock each new area. Eventually the areas do have elevators that connect to other areas but even with that the world isn't as tightly designed as 1's I feel. The area's are all cool, especially Sanctuary Fortress...that one is awesome, however I feel there weren't as many "aha" moments whenever I saw areas connect like in 1. I also feel like the game wasn't as atmospheric as 1 was, at least not the atmosphere I dig as much. Still, the world does interconnect by the end, I just think compared to 1 it just aint as good.

As for other miscellaneous things, the OST is pretty solid tho I do think its a downgrade compared to 1. I love how the classic item room theme is back, that's sick. I enjoyed the connections the game made to 1 near the beginning. Dark Samus was awesome to see in this game finally and it seems like it comes back in 3 so that'll be cool. Pirate commanders suck ass and were easily the worst enemy in the game. They're basically Chozo Ghosts from 1, except instead of locking the doors only some of the time, they lock them every time they appear and they're tanky as fuck which Chozo ghosts weren't. Weird change tbh and was just tedious every time they popped up. Navigating menus in this game feels clunkier than 1, they tried to make it all cool but it feels like it takes longer to find a certain file if you wanna read it again. It was interesting to see the screw attack in this game and while I warmed up to it by the end of the game, I still can't help it felt a little lame compared to how it was in prior games. Also again, one of the best parts of the game was just getting collectables and seeing what puzzles you have to do to get/find them. That was still really fun to do in this game, especially with the Dark/Light gimmick. I did get every item, which is of course a Metroid staple, and got a good chunk of the scans so I'm satisfied.

Overall, this was very good despite some issues I had. I do like Prime 1 more but this was definitely a worthy sequel I feel. Thank you @QuentTheSlayer for having me play this as my Secret Santa game, had a jolly good time! Next is gonna be the original Klonoa. A nice short game will do me good methinks.

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2023


4 months ago

Great review! I still need to play this and Echoes, and I have heard this one is really good too compared to the latter, also Happy Birthday!
@DrJeans I'm guessing you meant corruption but yeah, I heard the same thing. I also played a bit of corruption years ago and thought it was just alright so I'm excited to restart it and see how I feel now. And thank you!!

4 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 yeah my bad, that's what I meant. I watched my buddy play some of it and I really liked how the environments and everything looked, but its been so long since then. Hopefully its a new fresh experience for you now that you beat Echoes. No problem!

4 months ago

Happy Birthday Mr REYNTIME! I'm glad you really enjoyed this one, so far its my favorite one of the Metroid Prime Trilogy
@Huntermask thanks!! That's great to hear, I can certainly see why people would love it so much since the dark and light gimmick was done so well

4 months ago

Glad you enjoyed it! Prime 2 is a stellar game with great atmosphere, progression, and design. Glad you enjoyed the last few bosses, because they're my favorites as well, especially Quadraxis. Prime 2 blunders a few concepts from Prime 1 like Pirate Commando/Chozo Ghosts as an example, but is still overall great. Looking forward to the Klonoa review!
@quenttheslayer god you shouldve seen me beat quadraxis, I was sweating up a storm and got down to my last energy tank but man did it feel good

4 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 wish I could've seen that, Quadraxis is definitely a highlight. Definitely one of my favorite bosses in Metroid as a series for sure.

4 months ago

Awseome review. I love Prime 1 but never got very far in the Sequel. Something with the light and Dark system always buged me for some reason. Maybe its time to give it another shot
@NovaNiles thanks! I definitely recommend you do, you might be like me and totally feel different when actually beating the game like I was with prime 1

4 months ago

Great review, but more than anything, I love that 1) You did a Secret Santa backlog event and 2) Hellnight got included in that list. <3
@shenobi thanks! yeah it'll be interesting to see who picked that one specifically

4 months ago

I don't think i disagree on a single point you made. Some i had trouble explaining in the past i even understand better now. And secret santa with games sounds so fun actually i gotta see if i can get someone on board with that. Lovely read
@Spikethebear thanks, I appreciate it! I was actually thinking about maybe doing a secret santa with my followers if enough people were down with that idea. Would be interesting

4 months ago

happy birthday man!
@zeusdeegoose thank you!!!

4 months ago

Happy belated Birthday!! Great review. I love the Metroid series. It’s my favorite Nintendo Franchise. I love the idea of secret Santa picking your game from your backlog. I need someone to do that for me full time as I can never decide where to go next!
@DVince89 Thanks!! again, glad to have you back...and yeah it was definitely a successful experiment this year it seems, might try to do it with my backloggd followers next year if a buncha people are down!

4 months ago

Very passionate review. Tbh, I'm kinda worried about playing it as I heard it's very difficult and that managing dark and light world ammunition becomes tedious. Did you play the OG version NOW? I did hear the Wii controls for the HD collection made some of those boss fights a lot more pallatable.
@RedBackLoggd yeah I played the original. I also heard it was super difficult and while some of the bosses can be quite tough, the whole dark world gimmick itself is no issue. Thought it would be as I heard people saying it was but it really wasnt so I'm sure you'll have a great time!

4 months ago

Thanks man for the reassurances. I am actually surprised to read that it's very linear, but tbh with you, my problem with the first MP was that I felt like it was punishing exploration by adding layers to the metroidvania aspect. Like yeah, you need to return to previous areas using tools you've acquired, but when a location requires multiple tools it honestly got frustrating.

I could be misremembering, but if Echoes opted to simplify that aspect so that you don't need to constantly backtrack, I'll be more than pleased.
@RedBackLoggd there is definitely less backtracking but tbh as a result it felt less memorable because I didnt memorize the areas like i did with prime 1 but that may be a me thing lol

4 months ago

No worries man, I plan on replaying MP1 so my opinion could change.