Kirby's Adventure was actually the first game I ever let's played when I still had my old YouTube channel back in the day. I chose it because around that time, I got an NES and figured it was a good game to play first because it's so easy. Turns out, I really sucked at the game lol. Since I was using a camcorder and didn't know how to edit videos, I had to keep every single death in too. I may have sucked ass but I truly wish I still had those videos, as sadly they're lost to time now. Anyways, playing this again brought me right back to those memories of making the videos 10+ years ago, good AND bad memories.

Let's start with the biggest addition, the copy abilities. This was the first game to have then. And it kinda shows. You have a ton of classic abilities here; sword, hammer, cutter, needle etc. The NES was very limited with its buttons, so the move sets are super simplistic, but it works well. The reason I said "it kinda shows" was they have abilities that would later just be combined into one. Ice/freeze and fire/fireball. Freeze and fireball are both so much better than ice and fire, there was just no need to have both. But of course, they had to be split due to the NES controller only having two face buttons. Overall, a decent selection of copy abilities but not great imo.

For an NES game, and compared to dreamland 1's graphics, this game looks great. While I'm personally just not a fan of how NES games look in general, this game does have a very consistent color palette which I can commend. It's no Dreamland 3, but again it looks nice for the console it's on.

The OST is ofc good again, all Kirby games are. This game introduced a buncha songs that have become staples now. Butter Bridge is a big one, such a banger. Honestly might be my favorite version of that song too, it's that clean.

The level design is solid though I feel like no level really sticks out and they all just blend together. The levels have these switches that you can find in the stages that unlock little parts of the map outside of the levels, and let me tell you some of them are mean. I only found a couple this playthrough, but I feel like with some of them, you'd absolutely need a guide. Like I said, there's a map. Besides the main levels, there's other stuff you can do. There's little arena sections where you can fight a boss for a maxim tomato. There's a copy ability room where you can get a specific ability anytime you want. And then there's the little minigames that can net you some lives. All of them are fun but my personal favorite was always the crane game.

Something I did not like back then, and this still applies to the NSO version, is the lag that happens in game. Every single room you're gonna get some sort of lag, and sometimes it chugs hard when there's like 4 enemies on screen or a fire/ice/electric effect is happening. I get they wanted to make the game look super good but it was at the cost of the game not running well which stinks. Apparently the 3DS version fixes this funnily enough? But the E-Shop is now closed so ahhh that blows. Also I never really liked how you barely have any invincibility frames in this game. The game is easy but it can be super easy for enemies to stun lock you in certain circumstances, especially since enemies respawn. Not a huge issue but it did annoy me somewhat even on this replay.

This game brings back a lot of good memories but sadly this was never one of my favorite Kirby games. It's definitely a solid time but I like most of the other mainline games more. Honestly, I think I like Dreamland 1 more just because it's so short and comfy. Ah well, still recommended for anyone looking to get into Kirby or NES games in general!

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2024


27 days ago

I think Kirbys Adventure was the first game I was able to beat on my own as a kid when I got this and my top loader nes. As you said it looks pretty good for an nes game but it was way late in its life cycle so they really knew how to squeeze every bit of juice out of the aging system. The lag is unfortunate but not uncommon for just nes in general.

I love when you’re on the outside of a tower and it scrolls with a pseudo-3D effect. I also love that in an era of brutally hard nes/snes games, Kirby’s adventure was easy enough for me to beat as a 7 or 8 year old. The final boss is fun and epic and the wheel is the best power up.

27 days ago

One of my favorite Kirby.

27 days ago

Yeah, agreed, it's a really good game - not surprising that it's ahead of the curve of other NES games considering it came out at the end of its cycle. I reviewed it sometime back too:

Glad to hear the lag wasn't just my NES Classic haha. Looks like it really was a game that was too powerful for the 6502 microprocessor.

I can't agree about the graphics as I thought it was really beautiful and definitely bordered some SNES titles.

I think the biggest problem with the game is that it's too easy courtesy of Kirby's flying and some of those abilities- there are so many levels and bosses where you can either just float over infinitely or spam an ability (especially that laser one haha). It's not as bad as Actraiser's stardust spell, but I do wonder if they alleviated anything in the remake.

Anyway, good review overall. Anything that helps KA get more attention.
@lulukachoo I agree with pretty much all of this, especially comparing this to other NES games in terms of difficulty. Really nice compared to a lot of those
@geno123 hell yeah!
@redbackloggd I'm wondering that too as I still never played Nightmare in Dreamland, but a lot of the top reviews thinks its worse than the original, ah well guess we'll see

27 days ago

Oh shit really? Well dang, that's definitely a suckerpunch haha.

26 days ago

For Kirby's Adventure without lag, check out the 3D Classics version!