They took a fine game and made a horrible port in every way. Bad control, bad sound, bad performance. One of the worst experiences gaming has to offer.

I fell asleep twice playing the first half of the game. It felt like a soulless cash grab.

This is the only game I've 100% completed on three different platforms (being PC, Switch, and PS4) and continue to replay often. Tight gameplay, a powerful and relatable story, a charming visual presentation, and an outstanding soundtrack. Every element in the game is phenomenal and woven so well together that it truly feels like a work of art. With the "easy to learn, hard to master" mechanics and multitude of accessibility options, the game feels accessible to everyone whether you are great at platformers or not. It makes the player feel like they themselves level up as they play more of the game, leading to multiple moments where I felt a sense of accomplishment unparalleled by almost all other games I have played. These moments even continue on multiple playthroughs as I feel I can constantly take better advantage of the level design and mechanics. While every game has flaws, I feel that the ones in Celeste are minor in the grand scheme of things and can largely be excused by the story and empowering message the game is trying to tell. In my honest opinion, it is about as close to a perfect 2D platformer (or a perfect game for that matter) as you can get.

P.S. The modding community for this game is fantastic as well.