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1 day

Last played

June 4, 2021

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Nocturne has been one of my favorite games of all time for about 15 years now. Half of my lifetime at this point, so it's a very important game to me. It must not be as important to modern Atlus though, as they offloaded it to some 3rd party developer who made a lazily slapped together and inferior version they could use for a quick cash grab.

For $50 you get:

+ The ability to manually choose inherited skills.

- Constant stutter before and after attack animations with particle effects that wasn't present in the PS2 original. (Bonus of more additional frame drops all over the place if you're on the switch version, too!)

- A new lighting system that is overblown and severely compromises the artistic vision of the game.

- A low effort dub that feels like it was recorded as a joke at points, which negatively impacts the atmosphere of the game. (thankfully this can be turned off, but the fact that it's on by default and is how most new players will experience the game is saddening)

- A questionable retranslated script. (Nekomata's Club Inferno dialogue has been sterilized, Incubus using an internet meme phrase that will seem dated in 5 years, ect)

- Music that is STILL compressed to high hell

- 4:3 non upscaled cutscenes that cause a jarring effect when it switches to one from the 16:9 gameplay.

- 30fps cap.

- The opportunity to buy additional day one paid DLC for a PS2 game.