Dreadful launch title, but that song in the club mission is >>>

Bhangra needs to be in more racing games. Main gripe I have with this game is the lack of progression as I felt like I had access to the game's top tier cars way too early on.

The addition of bikes was so well done here, combined with the dynamic weather system, as it even feels subtle in its implementation. Career mode is kind of a grind that I didn't feel bother to complete, although I probably would have in the game's heyday.

Some of the gameplay elements are clunky and remind me of the sixth gen Tom Clancy games, but Vegas looks great in this (when you're not taking damage).

Will always have a soft spot for games with bullet time.

Loved seeing all the buildings in Chicago, also probably the only non-Simpsons game to use "D'Oh".

Very fun to play through. The lightning and shadow system used still holds up really well. Shooting isn't the greatest, but I think it was done on purpose in order to punish the player for trying to run and gun through the game.

Franchise mode is done really well. Superstar mode is great and feels like it paved the way for other sports franchises to introduce their own versions. Soundtrack is dated but I always appreciated the mix of genres that was prevalent in sports games at the time.

In-game presentation was great, soundtrack was solid, and loved the International teams that weren't present in 2K games at the time. But the gameplay itself was just lacking.

Pretty run of the mill FPS for the time period. Story feels immaterial, voice acting is meh, and enemies get predictable after a while. Probably the best part about this game was the gunplay, even if there are 6 weapons in total and only 1 is worth using.

Not as scary as its predecessor, but tries to fix a lot of the criticisms from the first game.

Brian Cage stole Monkey's whole flow

Takes the best parts about other racing games of its time. Forza's upgrades and customization, PGR's Kudos system, and Midnight Club's open world. Also, that soundtrack has hits upon hits and certainly screams 2012 in the best way possible.

Not bad, captures the essence of the show. I liked how they included some courses not featured in the show, and were created for the game itself.

Black Flag's gameplay was refreshing so I don't mind Rogue being a carbon copy. I still feel bad for my crew for always turning off Sea Shanties though.