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this game is nice looking and has nice music and all. But how fucking long is this fucking game. Every aspect of this game waste your time, combat are long winded, every move you make has this long winded animation, when it loads a battle arena the camera pans everywhere and take like 5 seconds to load every time. The pacing is shit, theres moment where it's only story story story and then batle batle batle. The story it's fine and the characters are charming. But it doesn't compute why it has to be in 4 discs, it's not that complex of a tale. And near the end all of a sudden they exposition dump you with lore of the two worlds and yitan's origins, all of a sudden. I dont know, even the story doesn't seem really well told.
Overall, its not a bad game, not at all. Visually and presentation wise it's among the best of psx. Funny how it has a backwards logic where its one of the few games that aged in gameplay rather than grapics where usually in that generation its the other way around.
Btw what it baffles me is that when you ask fans of FF where do they rank this game, they put it up there and on the average they put em over FFXII, a game where almost in every aspect is a better game than FFIX.
Im not playing this shit again i swear