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1 day ago

lilty finished Sonic Frontiers
This game oscillates between “kinda cool” and “completely terrible”. Sometimes you get into a flow where you’re running in the open world hitting grind rails and jamming out to music from the franchise’s better games and you think “hey this isn’t bad”. Then you hit a boost pad that popped in 3 feet in front of you throwing Sonic 180 degrees into the other direction as he flies off a cliff into the endless void below the map. When that happens I question how I let the Sonic community trick me into buying this by saying this is one of the good ones.

Still gonna pop off when I hear Live and Learn at the cinema in the next movie.

1 day ago

lilty finished Destiny 2: Lightfall
Destiny 2 continues to have the worst new player experience of all time, and this is coming from someone who started playing Yu-Gi-Oh in 2022. I continue to play the expansions when they release on PS Plus in spite of that because its shooting and movement feel very good. Lightfall continues this trend with the new mechanic, strand. The movement options it adds are awesome and being able to trap your enemies with it is very satisfying.

Do not ask me about the plot of Lightfall. Because of how Bungie structures the game I have no idea what is happening. Apparently players who do follow what’s happening do not like this one. The final few missions of the campaign are pretty solid but I can see why dedicated players were disappointed. It feels very rushed overall and it ends abruptly.

Sony has conditioned me to wait for expansions to land on Plus instead of paying for a single purchase so I look forward to playing The Final Shape when it becomes part of my subscription. Maybe one day I will get lucky and Bungie will develop a new IP with a linear co-op campaign and dedicated PvP mode like Halo, since I miss that franchise’s glory days dearly.

3 days ago

5 days ago

lilty played Sonic Frontiers
This game oscillates between “kinda cool” and “completely terrible”. Sometimes you get into a flow where you’re running in the open world hitting grind rails and jamming out to music from the franchise’s better games and you think “hey this isn’t bad”. Then you hit a boost pad that popped in 3 feet in front of you throwing Sonic 180 degrees into the other direction as he flies off a cliff into the endless void below the map. When that happens I question how I let the Sonic community trick me into buying this by saying this is one of the good ones.

Still gonna pop off when I hear Live and Learn at the cinema in the next movie.

9 days ago

lilty is now playing Sonic Frontiers

9 days ago

lilty finished Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Great sequel that improves on most things from the first game. I really liked Miles’ arc in the story and the set up for the next game was good. Combat felt great and the set pieces really delivered. A tidy completionist effort without too much padding. A lot of the main plot is telegraphed and Kraven kinda sucks but it was an enjoyable story. Excited for the next one.

9 days ago

lilty reviewed Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Great sequel that improves on most things from the first game. I really liked Miles’ arc in the story and the set up for the next game was good. Combat felt great and the set pieces really delivered. A tidy completionist effort without too much padding. A lot of the main plot is telegraphed and Kraven kinda sucks but it was an enjoyable story. Excited for the next one.

9 days ago

9 days ago

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