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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 9, 2021

Platforms Played


Pretty solid game, really not sure why this is the one all the COD fans hated on so hard. Shooting stuff is still fun and all the sci-fi gadgets, enemies and setpieces make for a good time. The story wasn't anything spectacular but it definitely beats the other generic war stories COD likes to pop out every year. I liked having a robot buddy though his dialogue was much too similar to a human companion to make much of a difference, and reading the letters in the credits actually succeeded in bumming me out. Having a ship where you can walk around and accept missions and stuff is a neat change but there's far too much downtime between action segments. I also think the game doesn't really take advantage of the increased mobility like wall-running and boost jumping and it really should've had a few platforming segments or something in place of walking and talking. The ship battles are a nice inclusion and help add some variety to the action but they should've copied ace combat some more. The game also made me aware of how much I don't like having companions during FPS fights because I always have to stop half a second before shooting to make sure it's an enemy I'm aiming at which gets annoying. It's not a perfect game by any means but it was certainly a step in the right direction and I think if COD continued following this path and improving on it maybe I could've gotten a new titanfall game. Oh well, RIP.