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1 day

Last played

December 14, 2021

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Despite it's almost complete lack of difficulty, it's immensely addicting. It's easy to spend hours just steamrolling the hundreds of enemies and leveling up my favorite robots with a smile on my face. The attack animations are great, especially some standouts like Amuro's all-range attack and shin getter's shine spark. I quite like a lot of the theme song arrangements too, though I got pretty sick of the first 5 seconds of the majestic prince OP in the early portion of the game. The betterman theme sounds awesome shut up it doesn't sound like farts.

The story is pretty enjoyable; I love the messy combination of all the different shows' timelines and there's a lot of fun and surprisingly natural interactions between the characters. Certain series interacting more closely than others like Gun x Sword with Code Geass ends up making a lot of sense and in that respect SRW30 succeeds in probably the most important aspect of crossover games. Unfortunately I did have to skip a decent amount of Majestic Prince and Rayearth scenes since I'm watching those and don't need the spoilers. There's also a tad too much focus on J-decker for my liking but it wasn't bad. The original characters are nothing remarkable but still solid with Az and Mitsuba being cute enough and Caruleum being a surprisingly enjoyable villain/rival with a decent amount of character development. The skits are really fun too with a lot of them featuring all the manly mecha pilots talking about how much they LOVE super robot wars.

Bringing up the skits reminds me of my disappointment regarding the game's presentation. Despite being a big deal with it being the 30th anniversary and the first non-OG SRW game to get a localization and even a PC port, there's 0 voice acting outside of battles and skits. I know there's a LOT of talking but they could've at least done it for the particularly important scenes. Also while it's obviously not as important as the battle scenes, some higher quality animations for the map would do wonders in making the game not feel so cheap considering it's what you're looking at for the vast majority of gameplay. At least add some small idle animations for the sprites or walking/flying animations. Speaking of maps, the mission map is the most pointless addition in the entire game. It's nothing but tedious to traverse and I practically never used it past the first few missions aside from checking out the DBD fairy a couple times. While I'm complaining, it's pretty annoying that the game encourages you to level whoever you want but on certain stages will not only force you to deploy certain units but will also toss them into the middle of a dozen enemies for story reasons. I barely leveled Red 5 or the Rayearth units but the game loved to toss them into mobs of enemies, often right next to stage bosses.

This is all paltry compared to the biggest complaint which is the dev team's abhorrent handling of the first DLC patch which introduced a slew of crashes into the game even for non-DLC owners. The most intimidating part of the final boss was the fact that he would instantly crash the game if he used his MAP attack which really killed the moment.

Overall though, I really did have a blast with the game and I'll happily play another SRW. I just hope the devs spread out the work put into presentation and pay some more attention to their patch work.