Log Status






Time Played

26h 4m

Days in Journal

5 days

Last played

May 20, 2022

First played

October 20, 2021

Platforms Played


So I finished this game last year, and as only my second ratchet game I really enjoyed it. I've been on quite a binge of the series recently and decided that I wanted to go back to platinum this (and eventually the whole series) and so thats just what I did. Over the past couple of days I collected all the gold bolts and then just today I started and fully completed my second playthrough, plus a very short partial playthrough to get my remaining trophies.
Overall, this was just as good of a time as It was originally. A lot of weapons I've seen by now already, but thats not a bad thing as they are all still fun to use, the sheepinator and groovitron are very fun additions. The story seems to just be a retelling of the original game, and it wasnt the best of the ones I've played so far, but I still enjoyed it a lot and it was entertaining enough. The decision to tie it into a movie was kinda weird but I didnt really notice it this time around. I also found myself having a lot less of a struggle with some sections, despite it being so long since I played it last, but I feel like the reason for that is simply the game doesnt really have much to set it apart from others in the series. I dont find it a bad thing and I still had lots of fun with this, but I can see why some fans were disappointed with this entry.
Now i dont have many but I do have a few complaints. The Clank sections just arent very great. They're fine and they break up the pace well, they're well thought out puzzles even but they just didnt do much for me. The tresspasser minigame was really annoying though, and It's not terrible but I didnt have fun with that at all. Finally, theres like particle effect on your screen when a bomb goes off near you, and it really makes it seem like you've been hit and taken damage, which is really frustrating in Challenge mode when you're trying not to get hit at all to keep up your bolt multiplier, but again this wasnt a big deal anyway.
Overall, Ratchet and Clank 2016 doesnt do anything innovative with the series, and I'm really hoping from the reception Rift Apart got that its going in a great new direction. But even with all that said, it does all the stuff I like about this series really well, and I had lots of fun with it.

Platinum Journey: So the platinum for this game honestly wasnt bad at all. Its the standard trophy list for the series: collect all gold bolts, level up all weapons and beat challenge mode + some fun miscellaneous ones. The weapon and leveling were pretty grindy, but I was able to get all of them almost done by the time i finished my second playthrough and new game+ i just got to run through with the Rhyno blasting everything away until Ratchet got his levels up and had 200 health. The only two that really gave me any trouble at all were for using the groovitron on every enemy and beating a gold cup race in under 1:35. The groovitron doesnt have any sort of tracker so I was really worried, but following a youtube guide on my second playthrough and making sure I got everything, I finally unlocked it on the final boss and a huge sigh of relief rushed over me. Now the 1:35 one is perfectly doable but god did it kick my ass. I kept getting really close, and at one point my time was 1:35:05 and that right there would of sent a weaker lass into a spiral of drinking and drug use, but I being the strong woman I am persevered and finally got it after about an hour or so. Most of the other trophies were really fun though, and It makes me happy that the main series has consistently quality trophy lists. One thing Id like to note is that unlocking gold bolts give you cheats that can give infinite ammo/invincibility, make the game go faster or slower and do stuff like change the filter or outfits and stuff. Even can change the bolts to look like currencies from things such as Spyro and God of War. I really love when games add in stuff like that so collectibles dont just feel like you're only getting them for the trophy. Anyways this has gone on long enough. Good game, and If you read this far, i love you <3

Trophy Completion - 100% (47/47 Platinum #197)
Playthroughs - 2 and a half
Time Played - 26 hours 4 minutes total
Nancymeter - 84/100
Game Completion #60 of 2022
May Completion #10

The gameplay is very fun of course (except those damn rails) with a good variety of weapons and progression. The story sucks and you can tell its just movie scenes spliced into a game which is... weird... but doesn't matter much in the end when all you need is an excuse to turn aliens and robots into sheep