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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 6, 2022

Platforms Played


A nice bonus little DLC level for Rise. It's basically a zombie level, and I do like my zombies. Stealth is basically not an option, the density and respawn rates of the enemies make sure of it, you're gonna get spotted no matter what. Although this was annoying at first, once I learned to ditch the sneaky approach and run around crazy hipfiring everything, it got a lot more fun. Theres also some randomly generated puzzles that I found entertaining enough. Going for all the trophies was also pretty manageable, completing it without dying may sound tough but if you equip the right cards its easily doable. Overall a good time, not something you'll remember fondly, but if you want more Rise you'll have a good time.

Rating - 75/100
Trophy Completion - 100% (10/10)
DLC Completion #8 of 2022