While I would say its probably the weakest of the three i've played so far, but its still Yakuza so it was good. The combat was very fun especially with all the ragdolling, and I much prefer the upgrade system to the one in 0 and Kiwami. However, the story is where it falls apart a bit for me. Kaoru is a great character (which of course means she wont be returning) but the story feels kinda underwhelming compared to the high stakes of the two before it. Quite a few plot points that feel like they should have a bigger importance on the story are kinda just brushed over and solved like they're nothing. Thankfully the finale, despite the typical villain way overexplaining things giving the good guys time to win was honestly really great and that kinda made up for the rest. The side content I didnt do much of because I dont have time for that, but I will say Kamurocho looks really pretty in the new engine. Theres also the Majima Saga, a nice little prequel to the events of the game that gives some very welcome closure to 0. Majimas fighting style is very flashy but without upgrades lacks depth, thankfully the whole thing is like an hour long so its not really bothersome. Overall a really good game thats mostly underwhelming story holds it back from me loving it.

Nancymeter - 84/100

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2022


2 years ago

Kiryu with Kaoru after having my heart shattered with Yumi? I couldn't.

just askin your opinion, Did you jive with that Makeout session in the end? cause i couldn't imagine him doing it with Yumi, it would make my skin crawl. with Yumi it felt like...Wholesome love. with Kaoru it felt like...heated passion.

Idk, my wounds are still fresh and open from Yakuza 1 and i treat Kaoru and Kiryu's thing as the lemon squirted into it.

2 years ago

For me I played Kiwami like ~6-ish months ago so I didnt really remember Yumi all that much, but I think I liked Kaoru and Kiryu more because they actually get to spend a game together and interact more than just in the beginning and the end

2 years ago

Hmm...That's interesting. but it all seemed half-baked to me and a little too cheesy. ESPECIALLY when it's Kiryu o.o

My beautiful man Ryuuji still fresh. He ain't even make his way to purgatory and these two making out.

1 year ago

I agree with that takeaway on Kiryu and Kaoru, it felt really natural to me. I mean, as natural as a detective and gangster in Yakuza really could. I like how they didn't hamfist it into the game but let them build in familiarity and closeness as the game went on.

1 year ago

yeah probably my favorite relationship in the series, not that there is many lol.