This is a hard game to review! On one hand the story was actually really good, I liked most of the new characters (Kiryu and Majima still reign supreme), the music (especially the New Serena music oh lordy) is sexy, the graphical and everything else downgrade from Kiwami was nothing but charming, the gameplay honestly isnt as bad as everyone says and orphanage Kiryu is super wholesome.... but.
The boss fights are awful and tedious - Where this is the easiest Yakuza yet, but all they do is block and stun and have a lot of health so fights end up taking way too long - There's also unnecessarily long sections of the game at the beginning and near the end where all the interesting action is halted to spend time with the kids which isnt bad in theory but the way its handled makes the game drag forever and it felt like I was being purposefully tortured. Plus some of the plot points were a little too goofy for my liking (I love when the series gets goofy, but when they try to mix that with the serious stuff it just falls flat), the best character is killed by a throwaway villain in (an admittedly good scene that got me a little teary despite knowing it was coming) and I feel like they could of been used more. Also not sure where to put this info in but it should be noted I never did more than like four substories as I wasn't really interested in any and the story was slow enough. Also it should be noted that this game has an awful encounter rate and this may be because its freshest in my mind but its probably the worst to date, I couldn't go more than 10 steps without being forced into a battle.
Okay. Thats a lot I'm sure. Which is why I'm conflicted. The finale wasnt as good as YK2 but by the end, just like in 2 most of those problems weren't even bothering me. It all comes together nice and I just thought "hey that was another really good Yakuza game that should of been two hours shorter" so, I think that kinda speaks for how solid the series is as a whole. Even if it drags and some parts make you want to shoot yourself, you always come out the other end having a good time.

Trophy Completion - 25%
In Game Completion - 5.78% (lol)
Game Time - 16 hours
Rating - 84%

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2022


2 years ago

Amazing review! Glad you liked it :)

2 years ago