While staying over at my Aunt's we watched lots of movies and played lots of her VR. During that time I decided to try out this game and shortly after I had a surprise completion on my hands.

This is a weird game to rate. It's an early VR game so its got some real rough spots. For one its weirdly split into three chapters. Its also incredibly short. Lack of normal walking and only teleporting is a bit jarring. Even the bonus dojo mode while cool to spend more time with the combat is a little basic. Theres not really a whole lot to it. You'll just play through a short little star wars story. Honestly I think it works. Theres so much that could make it better of course but as an occasional star wars fan I enjoyed it and it really helped me realize that I should consider an Oculus for my next big purchase.

Don't expect to get a lot out of this one. But dueling Darth Vader and force grabbing two blasters to dual wield against storm troopers was one of the most joyful experiences I've ever had In a long time. The lack of length definitely hurts it, and I dont think itd be fair to give this more than a 3.5. But as my first VR game I actually got to beat, I think it does its job quite well and Im damn satisfied

Time Played - N/A
Nancymeter - 75/100
Game Completion #71 of 2022
June Completion #6

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2022


1 year ago

Damn maybe we should get vr too

1 year ago

If it's possible to die as Darth Vader in this game then I call false advertising