I'm speechless. Words can't do it justice.

Absolutely phenomenal game that succeeds on almost all fronts. I expected very little coming into the Crossbell games given my disappointment with the Sky games, but Zero and especially Azure blew me away.

The game has great pacing, one of the best in any JRPG I've played actually which is surprising because pacing has always been the series' weakest part for me. The cast is fantastic and a lot of them are well fleshed out with only a few exceptions. I love Randy and Wazy especially, their arcs really moved me. KeA is so adorable and she must be protected at all costs.

Lloyd motherfucking Bannings is such a great protagonist man. The perfect one for crossbell. A guy willing to stare at the face of despair and struggle with all his might no matter how hopeless the situation is. He's the perfect representation of the indomitable human spirit. He's also a great representation of Crossbell as a state, always being the underdog with constant oppressors holding them back, yet they will never ever backdown no matter what.

The plot was surprisingly complex too, escalating tremendously from the straightforward but solid narrative of Zero, tackling incredibly ambitious ideas with it delivering never ending, nail-biting twists until the very last moments of the game. Yet somehow all these twists never serve to muddy the core message of the game which is to rely on the people around you in order to overcome the mistakes of the past instead of taking the easy way out with ones problems. The game never crumbles from the weight of its own ambitions which is something I greatly commend the game for.

The antagonists are hit or miss, but generally I don't have a problem with them very much and I think they're better handled than Sky SC's antags as their dynamics with the cast feel more relevant to what's actually going on in the story instead of it being fueled by some random past history that's irrelevant to the plot. There are a few exceptions to this in SC but generally this is the case. Imo at least.

As for other stuff about the game, the ost is absolutely fantastic, easily one of my favorites in any JRPG with many bangers such as Inevitable Struggle, Mystic Core, Get over the Barrier, To be continued! And much more. The gameplay is stellar too, taking the already great foundation of the series and making it even better with the addition of Master Quartz which adds a lot more decision making in the gameplay.

All in all, Trails to Azure is essentially a masterpiece with very little issues and fixed nearly every problem I had with the series up to this point. The last stretch and conclusion of the game left me in shock and awe. Not only is it such a satisfying conclusion to the game thematically, but it also made me incredibly excited for the series moving forward.

Though it took a long while, I suppose Trails won me over at this point.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024


26 days ago

Unfortunately, it still doesnt come close to Sky FC😞

26 days ago

@VnArch true FC clears all fiction

25 days ago

Just wanted to say this cause I played CS1 and 2 before FC-Azure and then CS3 and 4. The next two games are worse in every aspect although still fairly enjoyable, especially because it’s concurrent with zero and azure, and because of the latter end of CS2. Although I would rather get a root canal without anesthesia on every single one of my molars than play CS4 again. That being said Reverie somehow is like a fucking insane comeback and I personally think it’s seconded only by Azure, BUT glad to see u enjoyed peak sry for the spam, I just have experienced running through cold steel fueled by good will and hype after finishing azure and it can be fairly disappointing.

25 days ago

cs1 and cs2 are mid, cs3 and cs4 are dogshit, reverie is bad

25 days ago

also fc is unironically my 2nd favorite trails game behind azure lol

25 days ago

@SuperVak yeah I think narrative and pacing wise FC is the best out of the Sky arc honestly

25 days ago

@UnspilledMilk Oh it's fine I've already managed my expectations with the cold steel games. I played the first few hours of cs1 and I'm enjoying it a decent bit. Already much more entertaining than FC for me so I don't think CS will be that hard to get through.

25 days ago

@Nano20 godspeed, excited to see what ya think

22 days ago

You're such a funny guy man

22 days ago