Is this as good as Persona 3? No, but it's still a fantastic game. Even though the last few hours drag it's an easy recommendation.

It's a shame that EA has seemingly shelved this franchise again, because this is an excellent remake. It's the original but better in basically everyway.

Just like every other recent Ubisoft game, painfully bland and generic.

Thank God this was on gamepass and I didn't pay full price. Horrible sound design along with cringe voice acting was not a great first impression. Get past that and all you have is clunky combat with glorified quick time events. No thanks

For it's time I'm sure this game was fun but my god is it torture nowadays. Clunky controls and movement that make me wish I was having a back alley vasectomy. Other platformers from this era have aged much better.

This has to be the best retro compilation I've ever played. I thought I knew most of what there was to know about Atari, but this game proved me wrong. I couldn't have been more happy either. Digital Eclipse managed to dip up some truly fascinating tidbits of Atari history. 30 (!) pages of design documents for major havoc? Sign me up!

Rarely do we see compilations made with this much passion and true care. Most of them we get nowadays are nothing more than rom collections with basic menus and paltry options.

The games themselves in this collection range from masterworks to fascinating artifacts of a bygone era. Most of them (I would say the majority at least) are still incredibly fun to play. Sure I may not play cybermorph or Sprint 8 as much as I will say Tempest 2000, but having the chance to finally play those games for myself was still a treat. In fact this is the first time any Atari Jaguar games have been rereleased officially.

The presentation is damn near flawless. The arcade games are probably the standout in this regard. Presented in their original ratios with the cabinets faithfully reproduced. The same goes for the console games, only here the borders are television sets, computer monitors and more. You can also pause the game at any time to read the manual or arcade flyer (depending on the game of course).

Overall, Digital Eclipse has somehow outdone themselves yet again. All I can hope for now is for more game companies to give these talented folks free reign over their back catalogs.

Great art style, compelling story, and genuinely relaxing. A must play if you like story driven games.


This game is NOT free. Every match with a ten star Neith that feeds her brains out will slowly chip away at your soul.

This game was made to steal kid's lunch money without being fun.

This is one of the two games I've played in my entire life that always gives me a headache.

The other is Bubsy 3D.

Bro its Minecraft you know this is the shit

If you want your balls busted this is the game for you

This game is... actually decent!?

Yes the infamous Night Trap is often regarded today as being a terrible video game but an interesting piece of history. So I was shocked to find myself actually enjoying it. I purchased this mostly out of sheer curiosity, I wasn't alive when the game first released but am well aware of the shit storm that it along with other games caused.

That shit storm is all the more hilarious in hindsight, this is so ridiculously inoffensive it's almost hysterical. They really went out of their way to make the "violence" as cartoony as possible. And yet somehow there was still outrage. I'm sure there is some deep lesson about mob mentality here somewhere.

So what does the game actually play like? Well the closest thing we have in the modern era (at least that I can think of) is the five nights at Freddy's series. Night trap has you switching between various camera feeds in an effort to protect some really stupid teenagers from enemies that barely know how to walk. All you have to do is be looking through the camera at the right time so you can press a button to trigger a trap. Occasionally you will also have to change the access code for the traps as the villians will change it to prevent your meddling.

With all of this switching back and forth between cameras the nonsensical plot will probably be completely lost to you. Beating the game in this new anniversary edition gives you the ability to watch all the important scenes as a movie. I HIGHLY recommend you do so. But unlocking this feature is easier said than done. Night Trap is a surprisingly difficult game that will require you to memorize where and when things happen. All the events happen in the same order each time you play, the only difference is what the trap codes get changed to.

Of course you can always just look up the order of events online and beat the game with ease, but where's the fun in that?

This game is terrible and it blows my mind that some people have managed to enjoy it. More power to you if this doesn't enrage you as it does me. Castlevania 2 is one of the most frustrating and poorly made NES games I have played thus far. From puzzles with no sensible solution, annoying progression, and mechanics that were seemingly designed to simply piss me off it is next to impossible to play this game without screaming at my console.