Pretty good! Not as tight as the Resident Evil games but it's very impressive for the time and generally pretty well designed.

Pretty neat story and a lot of quality of life changes over the RE series in terms of gameplay, not to mention how it doesn't use pre-rendered backgrounds so it feels very cinematic (even more so than Code Veronica, somehow).

What holds it back for me is the fact that raptors respawn, the third half of the game has a lot of annoying backtracking and there isn't any real boss fights in this (the T-Rex sequences are very scripted). The item boxes are also very confusing and making weapons have a maximum amount of ammo is a very odd choice tbh.

I recommend looking for the Source Next PC version and then modding it with Classic REbirth. Looks real pretty in widescreen!

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2023


6 months ago

Tried playing it in on PC but can't save my progress for some reason. It always says "Saving failed. Try again". Which is sad, I really want to try the game.

6 months ago

Hmm, just to make sure: Are you using the Source Next version? I got it from Not sure what could be causing tbh, mine worked pretty much perfectly and I can't find this error anywhere else.

Hmm, your second best option should be emulating the PS1 version if the issue persists. Works perfectly in Duckstation.