Alan Wake is an interesting game. It has a cool narrative that is very openly inspired by Stephen King novels. The game is suspenseful as the puzzle pieces of the mystery is slowly collected and put together. I feel like the story could be a hit or miss depending on who you are though. I at first glance thought it was a dumb premise, but as I thought deeper, I ended up really enjoying what they have done with it. The combat for the game has an interesting mechanic with light making the enemies vulnerable so you can destroy them with more physical means. However, outside the light mechanic the combat feels dull. Especially as the game goes on and enemies are thrown at you. The dialogue of the game is awkward? Like, without getting into spoilers, once you know what you do towards the end of the game, you understand why the characters talk and act how they do.

I will just say, for those who enjoy a good suspense thriller, but dont mind mid combat and gameplay, this game is good and should be played.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2023
