Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

32 days

Last played

May 13, 2024

First played

November 20, 2023

Platforms Played


While the story is somewhat good, the game mostly feels like a mobile game ported to consoles except they forgot to remove P2W so enemy cards take 2 hours to get unless you use RNG manipulation. At first I didn't see anything too bad about the game until it slowy started to feel worse because of repetition, I don't even think the gameplay itself is bad, it just feels repetitive after 3 hours doing the same shit, (and can easily be broken by OP Sleights) since the game expects you to fight every enemy in every single room you create, or else you get 2/3 of your health drained because a boss combos you and gives you 1 milesecond to dodge or use a card. I said that the story is somewhat good because a lot of it is Kingdom Hearts 1 again but less because you revisit those worlds like Sonic Generations except it's their second game, it is good when it isn't that. There is no reason not the break the game when it's so repetitive and it would take 4x longer to farm, and while non-KH1 bosses aren't half bad, it is very frustrating to get 2/3 of your health sucked by 1 boss combo that sometimes isn't even their sleight, but the Final Bosses were... Surprisinly fun? At least with max health. Good story, tedious gameplay + part 1.5 of "Donald is useless because I suck"