Sorry, I tried to enjoy this; if this game did not have a story and were purely just gameplay, this would've been the most tedious game I had ever played, and when I noticed that, I was just too far to abandon it.
You will either spam attack, spam magic, or spam cure; for a gameplay where the point is to think about what move to use next, I did not need to think a lot, whenever I want to use either thunder or quake magic it just doesn't matter unless the enemy is immune to it, I'm not wasting a turn to use sense and check what the enemy is weak to if they already die quick enough, the gameplay feels the same from start to end and it gets tedious little by little.
The story didn't impress me either, it's not bad, just wasn't impressive for the most part, it has memorable moments that overshadow the tedious gameplay, then it's gameplay time and it overshadows the story, to the point I wasn't giving a shit about the story anymore and just wanted to finish the game.
I had played a few JRPGs before, and this is the first one I did not like. I get SOME of its praise, this game tries, just doesn't succeed to me; if I had to replay any game, this one would be the last. Totally deserved a Remake.

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2023


6 months ago


6 months ago

Removed by a moderator

6 months ago

Why did this only get attention now? Dunno wym by "Filtered" but good morning. As for the other guy who got deleted, it always feels like the people who call you a kid are either kids or act like one, It's funny how he says that while his Twitter is named "420yourmum69". And yes I did play mobile games at the 5th grade, how did he know? lol. Wanna see this guy calling someone out for not liking apples or something, I am so so sooooo sorry for not liking a game.