Utter nightmare of a game, the struggle of managing ten different problems and projects while the clock constantly ticks down is a level of anxiety I already deal with on a daily basis.

That said, its a classic for a reason and the frustration sort of leads to an addicting gameplay loop. This was still my third attempt at finishing it across five years. I understand the follow-up games don't have a time limit and generally feel a bit easier, which is... a huge relief.

I gotta say though, I'm pretty sure the Pikmin are evil. Beady little eyes, a passion for killing and assimilating enemies, the bad ending... the fact that Pikmin can survive without Olimar in the good ending is actually terrible for that planet I think, and probably not good for the universe. All those new Pikmin copters rising into space at the end? That's an invasion waiting to happen.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2022


2 years ago

funny how we finished at the same time with very similar complaints about the anxiety of dealing with the time limit! seeing your review and others on here makes me think that they could've done a better job assuaging player's fears in-game given that the amount of tasks to accomplish is really very reasonable

2 years ago

you would think that the ending implies the pikmin are capable of procreating as well as defending themselves, but as later games demonstrate, they're basically like the panda in that they're completely incapable of self-preservation without outside influence.