Ace Attorney Investigations 2 learned from its predecessor's mistakes and shines brightly from correcting them. Unlike the first one which had many points where the story dragged hard, this game's pacing flows smoothly throughout its five episodes.

New to this game is Logic Chess, which is basically the protagonist Edgeworth's way of perceiving the opponent's secrets, along with his flow through the conversation with the opponents to expose the secrets they're hiding.

It's a pretty genius game mechanic from a writing perspective because it showcases Edgeworth as a master conversationalist. The first Investigations game used basic logic to solve puzzles which in turn made every other character around Edgeworth all seem like they are suffering from brain damage.

With logic chess, it shows that the other characters aren't incompetent and that Edgeworth is just that good at listening and using the opponents' words against them. It really hits home on the fact that Edgeworth is really good at his job, as well as making sure that other characters don't suffer from suddenly being forced to be dumbed down to let the protagonist shine.

The logic when presenting evidence is very straightforward, aside from very few instances where I did save before presenting evidence. The previous game suffered from having far-fetched logic shoehorned into the evidence you're presenting and made it seem like Edgeworth was phoning in the logic.

I don't think you need to play AAI1 before playing this game as this one does a decent job of reintroducing the characters from the first one, but it helps tremendously to know certain things that carry over to this game. It's just a shame because the first game drags pretty hard while this game is actually good.

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2024
