We're clearly deep into kusoge territory here, but at least it's fun kusoge so I finished it.

In Hakai-ou, you're some Japanese guy who gets bitten by an alien (?) fly and progressively transform into a kaiju. The goal of the game is just to fuck shit up and destroy everything. You start with your apartment, then your workplace, and then you get bigger and get to destroy bigger things,... until you end up as a Godzilla-sized disaster. It's incredibly stupid and it makes something like Dynasty Warriors look like a Zachtronics game. I still had fun though, it's relaxing to break shit in videogames! What isn't relaxing and put Hakai-ou directly into the shit game category is the awful controls and terrible camera. It's a shame because the idiotic concept and insane story has a distinct charm you can only find in Japanese B-movies, like something directed by Takashi Miike or Minoru Kawasaki.

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2021
