This is how a spiritual successor should be done, for the most part.

Taking massive inspiration from early Resident Evil games, Crow Country feels strangely comfortable. There's something so soothing about the Resident Evil formula TM. The gameplay loop of exploring a slowly expanding environment via puzzles and light combat just works so well for me. And Crow Country does a great job at it.

I ended up also enjoying the simple story they go for here quite a bit. It's nothing crazy but it's fun and interesting throughout.

I do think that the game is maybe a bit too easy. Even finding the secrets isn't crazy difficult. I also wasn't a huge fan of the RNG bonus loot mechanic. I get that it's there to make sure players can't accidentally screw themselves over by running out of items. But it feels a bit too generous in a game that's already on the easier side.

Any fan of the old-school RE games needs to give Crow Country a play.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
