Log Status






Time Played

30h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 3, 2022

First played

September 22, 2022

Platforms Played


I enjoyed this game quite a bit. As a mostly story-driven game, I liked the characters a lot. Kasuga in particular might be one of my favorite game protagonists ever, and his VA does a stellar job. The rest of the cast is pretty strong, but some characters outside the main 4 can feel somewhat weak or underdeveloped without going out of your way. Combat is simple but fun and satisfying, yet many bosses don't quite challenge you to use the moveset in interesting ways. There were a few (really cool) boss fights near the end that were a blast, and it made me want to see more cool stuff like that happen. The game's got a great sense of style, really strong characters, fun gameplay, everything an RPG should have. Oh, and good side content. All in all, pretty dang good.