This was a fun revisit. It's just as fun as I remembered, with stellar pacing and great dungeons with unique ideas. It looks great, feels great, all in all fantastic.

This play through was done in hero mode, which was dramatically harder than I expected. I died quite a lot, which gave much more value to the rental system than in normal mode, where you'd basically never die. Sometimes the difficulty is obnoxious, getting two shot by random bats that can fly in from offscreen and instantly take you out, or bosses with tricky patterns that really feel like they shouldn't take away 10 hearts. For the most part though, the higher difficulty feels very well thought out and fun.

Yea it's still the best 2d zelda game, although link's awakening remake is pretty sick too

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2024


2 months ago

At Josh's request, I played hero mode on my first playthrough. The early game was brutal for sure.

2 months ago

Yeah, it's kinda funny how it starts out hard because of how few hearts you get, gets easier as you get upgrades, and then swings back around to insane at the end