I've never been the biggest fan of Fromsoft's games. I could always appreciate all the effort and craft that went into dark souls and bloodborne, but they just didn't click with me.

HOWEVER. Sekiro is a game I really enjoyed, in large part to changes that favor speed and aggressive play. Parrying is a very fun mechanic that makes getting in the opponent's face feel rewarding. The amount of mobility you get is fun to work with as well, making exploration enjoyable.

One drawback I had with Dark Souls was the amount of options at your disposal meant that I was never sure if the build or playstyle I was going for was good or not. While it certainly adds replayability, it lacks focus and requires more experimentation than I really care for. Sekiro's streamlined skill trees make the game less flexible, but results in more focused combat that I prefer.

Some later bosses got a bit tiresome. Several bosses and minibosses got reused a few times, which were never as hard as their first fight but seemed needless. One later boss was kind of annoying since it felt much more like a souls boss and relied on dodging rather than parrying. It wasn't bad, but wasn't as fun as others.

HOWEVER, the rest of the bosses are fantastic. The guardian ape in particular is one of the best bosses of all time. It's hard but doesn't go on for way too long, it's complex but feels fair, and throws a very memorable twist at you with a lot of cool attacks.

Long story short: cool game

Reviewed on May 08, 2023
