1.6 stars of average rating?? You guys deserve to play real true notoriously crappy unplayable garbage like Big Rigs, E.T. for Atari 2600, Superman 64, Bubsy 3D etc.
This one ain't it. It's definitely on pair on Paper Mario Sticker Star level on how lackluster it feels, just like it felt in general with many games of the 3DS/Wii U era.

Yes, this game is barebones in contents, we can all agree on that, we get it. Especially since it has the same single tennis court level, so all the variety this series was known for blows off immediately right away.

But you know what? It looks pretty nice, the characters animations are lively as you would expect from a Mario game, and it's still a fun time for the little it has to offer.

I liked it better than Mario Tennis Open.

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2024
