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An incredible improvement over its shitty predecessor, but still not great.

The plot is really interesting- Dracula possesses Soleil Belmont and his recently-retired father, Christopher Belmont, has to go kick the shit out of his son to save him- but the Game Boy just isn't the medium for great storytelling, unfortunately.

Still, you can see the Castlevania series trying non-linearity again with the ability to try the four main levels in any order before Dracula's Castle. It's interesting that they keep experimenting before fully breaking free of it with Symphony.

Christopher must have been taking his pills before the events of the game because he feels much better to control than his previous outing. The level design feels less dickish than Adventure as well and experiments with a few fun gimmicks, even if the fights with Soleil and Dracula are both downright evil. It's good that they were able to prove that Castlevania was able to work on the Game Boy with this one, because Christopher's first outing sucked and Legends isn't much better.

Next- Super Castlevania IV
Previous- Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse