A very cute puzzle game where you control three characters with different color. It is not too difficult but the puzzles are just fun. A few collectibles here and there. Unfortunately the rewind feature breaks sometimes.

A short puzzle game a la Portal or Turing Test.

Story is alright, soundtrack is not really there but the gimmicks with the light are quite cool.

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Definitely worth the wait. NEO: The World Ends with You is a worthy successor of the first game.

At first I had my problems with the game due to the pacing (the time travel parts added too much padding) and the characters were kinda undeveloped until(!) week 3 happened.

The game was a 7/10 for me until week 3. Week 3 is the best week in the game, especially to the end. Returning characters from the first game, basically all of them besides Hanekawa, is a blessing.

The gameplay is such an improvement and so much. If you have the right pins, it's a blast. The new remixes of the songs and the new songs in general are top tier again. This time clothing works properly.


It's quite a cool mod and some people might say it's Portal 2.5 or 3. The story is alright and the new character is cool.

What I really like is the level design. It's very different but very awesome. Seeing other parts of the whole facility is amazing.

It's such an unique game and experience. It's a love letter from Suda to his fans but also to himself. Kill The Past.

This game basically connects almost every Suda game and gives you tons of surprises. I really like how the story is told: An action level and then a virtual novel chapter.
Every level is quite unique and has its own small feature. The combat got reduced a bit but it's still very action heavy. Also the soundtrack is top tier again.

This game is a MUST if you wanna be prepared for No More Heroes 3.

I am disappointed. The gameplay loop of NMH1 is missing, the bosses are literally so boring and have two moves. Not one of them is memorable (besides the final boss but just because he is horrific). The level design is good and so is the music. Unfortunately this is not the Travis I know. The motives of Travis are so weird and not understandable.
Playing as two new characters is quite cool though.

You can feel that this game wasn't created by Suda. It felt like it wanted to be a NMH game but it failed. I still think it's an alright game but not comparable to the first game at all. Also, it's not fitting in the whole "Kill the Past" universe. Basically no connection.