Very Short Games <6 hours

Very short games I plan to play or recommend

A Short Hike
A Short Hike
Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2
Mr. Driller: DrillLand
Mr. Driller: DrillLand
Maken X
Maken X
Depending on your skills it could take significantly more
Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony
Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony


2 years ago

zeroranger took me more than 6 hours because i suck. this can technically be true for a lot of the games there but it's especially true for that one.
The Mega Man 2,3,4, and 5 that you used are the gameboy games.

2 years ago

(for clarification, a full playthrough of zeroranger is definitely shorter than 6 hours. but unless you're like some shmup god or something, it's probably going to take you a fair few attempts. you can't credit feed and it's longer than the average shmup. so for most people id call it unrealistic, even if it technically fits here)

2 years ago

zeroranger could fit if not the last boss

2 years ago

Just about every arcade game could fit on this

3 months ago

pretty sure the snes donkey kong country games fit here as well

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