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I went into this hopeful. I played the demo and felt it was lackluster, I didn't really enjoy the motorbike section. The full game is the same, not innovative enough on the original in certain aspects and quite janky and buggy. I fell out of the map twice and I felt that there were controls that were missing or should have been implemented better. The story is boring, dull and confusing.

The bosses are lame and very similar, although I did find myself enjoying the fight with Dismantler. The final boss, Mitra, was terrible. Boring, way too long and repetitive, didn't even look or feel cool.

The enemy variety is small, feels like there were less enemies in this game than the first. a few interesting gameplay mechanics and enemies are added on the literal LAST LEVEL, so you don't get much use from them. Also, despite being longer than the first game, it felt shorter. Idk how they managed that.

What a disappointment, and the FRAME DROPS on pc are insane.