7 reviews liked by NightSlasher

MiHoYo's guide to a mickey mouse game:

- soulless characters with generic & recycled designs
- dry ass story completely reliant on dropping the longest most boring exposition dumps of your life that never even go anywhere
- painfully verbose wall of text explaining some shit you already knew Paimon: So what you're SAYING is... says the same exact fucking thing again
- baby easy combat w/ no real endgame
- employees are probably overworked and rarely get to see their children
- gacha

Cool game but when i downloaded genshin on my pc, my mom texted me "me and your dad are going through tough times recently" and then that same night she told me to choose a side her or my dad i chose her and i offically became fatherless.

More like No Impact because this did nothing for me.

Genshin Impact Fun Facts! The age of consent is 18 years old!

I have never played any other FPS game in my life.

This game is really fun. It’s not just a so-so FPS with a Star Wars coat of paint on it. I adored the squad commanding mechanics and how essential they were to progressing.

Can’t forget to mention how fun the characters were. Delta Squad had such a fun dynamic and I wish we got to see more of them just hanging out and talking.

If you got an extra £12 then why not?

Look this is basically just KOTFE but infinitely better.

KOTFE had a lot of pacing issues after chapter 9, but here the story stays focused and very entertaining.

Star Wars at it’s peak.

This is genuinely one of my favourite Star Wars stories ever