Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

22 days

Last played

February 17, 2024

First played

August 27, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership





February 2024



So, lengthy session, and finished it off.

Started the game going through unfinished Defense Missions. Did a few, but ended up running into a soft-lock situation, forcing me re-set and lose progress.

Decided to just do the FU fight. His invincible moments are a bit too long, but slowing his ass down opens up his vulnerable moments for so much longer. With practice, I could probably three phase him (on BITTER, at least). His second round wasn't too bad, but it does want you to remember perfect dodge, which can let you four phase him if you're paying attention. Dodging forward after the perfect dodge can let you close in quicker to not waste any time. Also, Death Shower for extra damage.

And with a little bit of extra after FU's fight, the game is over and the credits roll with a stinger hinting at a possible NMH4.

Will write a review soon.




Decided to take on the 25 wave challenge... god damn, it was much harder than I thought, and it lasted WAY longer than I though.

Travis' war on hostile alien monsters is making him look more and more like a mantis shrimp with a laser saber.

Was going do fight FU, but honestly, that mission alone (through a total of 3 tries) took me an hour already with not much time left before IRL needs to pull me away.



Short session. Did a bunch of Gacha and unlocked about... 30% of the figures. Then I did a 10 wave Defense Mission. Unlocked the 25 wave Defense Mission. I might go do that one before I go after FU...



Found the last of Jeanne's kids. Found the last DEATHMAN card. Found the remaining Dopplegangers, Found the last few trees (I feel stupid about THAT particular one, cause they were clustered together near the entrance of THUNDERDOME). Grabbed a few Gacha. Aside from figures and mod chips, I've collected everything I wanted.

Finally paid for the final title match with FU, and now I'm ready to face off against the Final Boss. I'm comin' fer yer head, FU!



Did a bunch of cleanup. Did the Designated Matches. Found the remaining Death Scorpion. Found another Jeanne Kitty. Planted a few more Trees. Found a few more Dopplegangers. I need one more DEATHMAN card, one more Jeanne Kitty, and three more tree locations to plant, and then all my collecting is done.

Also, completed the AI Adventure side quest.



On Rank 1 now. Decided to try out the "DEATHMAN" bonus game that just unlocked due to certain events. Quite an interesting little slice of psudo-80s retro beat-em-up. I honestly thought it was just a little gimmick for the intro (and one other spot). Didn't expect an actual full game (though, it's only 4 stages long, and loops after you beat the boss).

After that, I fought Black Hole on DEATH difficulty. Died from a stray hit, but got lucky with a Jeanne roulette, got back up, and pwned him.



And here I thought I'd be fighting FU, but it looks like good ol' Henry Cooldown had a bone to pick with Travis. Careless behavior got him killed in the fight, but a round two sort Henry out... However...

Turns out, Henry pulled a little magic trick and he's a bitch, so Travis died for real and isekai'd to DEATHWORLD, and met DEATHMAN... only to get punched back into his own world in a coffin, resurrected.

Damn, what a way to meet your favorite director, reunite with your friends, and steel your resolve against FU.



Came back after a long time. Had to get used to how the combat worked in the game, but it didn't take very long. Entered the Rank 4 match and fought Destroyman and his clones.

After that, I planted some Death Trees, destroyed the remaining Tikis, caught a scorpion, and did the next rank fight against Sonic Juice... wait, that's Rank 2.

Oh Dear, looks like FU is at it again...

September 2023



After I practiced some more on Mr. Black Hole (and pulled off a sick, stylish yo-yo trick on him with the Death Skills), I stopped dragging my feet and challenged Rank 5. I was 100% surprised by the fact I was confronted with not only an actual level (though very basic), but also a horror themed level. Five ranked fights in, and the game surprises me with a traditional, non-traditional stage.

Then, the fight itself surprised me again with a new transformation, and an incredibly fun battle. Glad this one was only a knock-out, rather than a full kill. Welcome to the team, Dark World Princess.

I then started prep work for Rank 4, and have submitted the money and finished the designated matches. FU's goon squad is shrinking rapidly.



Did more faffing around. Planted trees and destroyed tikis. Finished a side-quest and gained access to the figure capsule gatchya. Also, re-fought Mr. Blackhole twice. Love the fact you can re-challenge bosses AND activate higher difficulty settings for them. Loads of fun.



More mucking about. Combed through Perfect World. Did more tree planting, Found more Scorpions, Found a few cards. Smashed some tikis. No kitties, though...



Did some more odds and ends. Found two new types of collectables. So, planted a bunch of trees and busted up some alien tikis. Found some more cards, another scorpion, and a few more kitties. Did some odd jobs (well, only the bike race one), and did some defense missions.



Building up to Rank 5. Entered "Neo Brazil". Did all Designated Matches. Did one Defense Mission. Getting better at the game, but game is getting more challenging for sure. Found only one of Jeane's Kittens. You'd think with a wide open area I'd see more stuff to collect.



Gained Access to "Call of Battle", the location where the Rank Six in the Galactic Ranking vaporized nearly the entire place. Found some stuff, finished designated battles, did some chores, and then fought Velvet Chair Girl/Ohma. With how the arena looked, I really miss that we didn't get an environment like this as a full level.



Took a while, but finally jumped back in. Did a few new Volunteer Jobs (Mining and Coast Guarding), and... those were actually really fun. I'll be sure to re-visit them when I can. Also found an "Adventure" side-quest, but it seems like it's next part is currently locked, so I can't finish it yet.

Aside form that, I continued the story and finished the Rank 7 fight. A little disappointed with a certain fight being denied, but the boss fight itself was rather fun.



Did some Designated Battles and more practice Defense Missions. Also, got a few more T-shirts, nabbed a Death Scorpion, found a Deathman Card, and found another of Jeane's Kitties. I have what I need to initiate Rank 7



faffed about a little bit. Re-doing some volunteer work and defense missions (for cash and practice). In Santa Destroy right now. Probably going to hop over to each available island and do the same until I get to the new one.



Quite the productive session. Killed Gold Joe and "explored" Thunderdome (lol). Faced Black Night Direction, only to watch him get butchered by a "Time Traveling" chuuni. Learned some skills and kicked his ass. Oh, those skills are gonna be FUN to combo.

August 2023



Oh, I'm an idiot. Spent WAY too damn long looking for the ATM, only to realize I need to clear matches to gain access to it. Cleared the matches, and now have ATM privileges. Also, collected more Death Scorpions, started the Jeane's Kitty Hunt, and started collecting DEATHMAN Cards. No story progress yet.



Running around Santa Destroy. Doing side quests and such. Really appreciating the game more than I did in the beginning. Was dreading free-roaming SD due to NMH1's largely boring map, but III's version is WAY better.

Also, Scorpion hunting.



Working up to rank 9. Mostly cleaning maps in Santa Destroy and Paradise Land. The map is definitely better than NMH1's map.



Decided to FINALLY start this game. Defeated Black Hole. Died once due to greed and not paying attention, but then absolutely rocked him in round 2.
