An absolute classic, straight from the grave!

Every Playstation fan worth their salt knows this game about a weird little skeleton monster that interrupts evil plans of necromancy and black magic. A cult classic staple that was just more or less agreed upon to be one of the definitive games for the original PS1 (among other greats and classics, mind you). Sure, it was never a juggernaut that spawned countless sequels and spin-offs, nor was it some sort of brain-child masterpiece that could be seen as high art as much as it could be seen as entertainment. Still, most of those that have played it love it, and those that haven't more or less go "oh, hey, yeah, I remember that one."

Though, let's be perfectly fair. As I've said, it's not some masterpiece, nor was it an IP that easily had multi-generational staying power (though for the latter, I think that's due to lack of imagination rather than fault in its core concept). This isn't a Devil May Cry with crazy combos, a Silent Hill with mind-destroying riddles, or Metal Gear twist happy story. The gameplay is quite simple and straightforward, puzzles aren't super head-scratching brain-melters, and the plot is very basic. What it does have is excellent, "Halloween-esque" atmosphere, the driest wit and sarcasm in any game ever, and a nice plethora of murder tools to mash up those demons and zombies with the right amount of crunch and slash with every attack you make. Everything feels just... fun.

Exploring cold graveyards, spooky forests, dank caves, terrifying execution grounds, quirky agricultural lands, and haunted castles, fighting a LOOOOONG list of creepy creatures that make up the evil dead and the armies of darkness. There's just something so joyful and pure about it all. It feels like going trick-or-treating when you're a kid... except with more fantasy weaponry.

That said, its camera is quite picky and stubborn, platforming is dodgy, and pitfalls are especially evil and plentiful. There are times the game will feel a bit unfair, especially when precision movement is involved.

But... I can't help but love this old bag of bones and his first adventure. I may LOVE Medievil 2 more, but this game goes hand in hand with it quite nicely.

Reviewed on Oct 07, 2023
