This game was the first 3D Zelda game I ever completed, and wow what a game to start with. This game makes previous entries seem like a downgrade when in reality they are almost different genres and are equal to this is there own right, but this game's sense and feeling of freedom and adventure struck me to my core and the art and sound design of this game is crafted in such a way that it makes me feel a plethora of emotions at once. While on day one of BOTW I played it on WII U which has greater performance issues and controls worse, in my opinion at least. The switch version that I went on to complete the game in is also filled with frame drops and inconsistent textures, however when exploring some of these areas and textures are hard to see or access. I would have to reccomend this game to anyone with a Nintendo Switch, however due to frame drops and worse control I can't possible sell you to the WII U version, unless it is played on an emulator such as CEMU.

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2023
