I really loved Vice City, the game was fun as hell and super memorable. My biggest complaints are mostly two things.

The first thing is that the game has a lot of very aged mechanics that become a pain in the ass to deal with beyond the bad combat. One example is how you lose all your guns when you die and then you have to restart the entire mission. At that point you’re better off just loading a previous save.

On top of that, I didn’t mind the idea of having to go to certain areas of the game to save, but it just becomes pretty monotonous later on in the game, alongside having to constantly rebuy armor.

The second thing is that around the final quarter or so of the game and some missions even before that, the missions get really stupid and gimmicky where you have to do a bunch of stupid shit and it's amusing at first but eventually it gets very tiring and annoying. I love almost everything else about this game besides that though.

This games atmosphere and vibes are incredible, I love the characters, writing and goofyness of the game, the radio is fucking amazing and in general I love how arcadey and flashy this game is compared to later GTA games, its very refreshing and a ton of fun.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2023

1 Comment

8 months ago
