Revisiting this game and playing through it on the supposedly insanely hard 1999 mode was really interesting.

This game is very frustrating to me because there are so many elements to it that I love like how nice the guns feel, the beautiful artstyle and world, Columbia conceptually and its inner politics and how Comstock and Fitzroy and not so different when it comes to the fate of the city is super cool to me too. On top of that, there were also a lot of great CONCEPTS that were set up like Songbird and Elizabeth’s story but a lot of stuff falls flat because of the game’s complicated development.

I think gameplay wise the game is still fun but even on 1999, I only died a few times with the exception of parts with the dumbass Lady Comstock ghost enemies (FUCK THAT ENEMY). The two weapon limit is so bad too because you miss out on so many weapons in the sandbox because of already upgraded weapons you have that appear more often than the more unique ones like almost all the Vox weapons. The guns are too powerful too and they basically make the vigors more useless than they already are with the exception of Buckin’ Bronco and Possession.

The ending of Infinite is corny as hell too. The multiverse stuff is something that I never really enjoy in media and I think it's not nearly as strong or interesting as the other two Bioshock games with their endings.

I still had fun with the game but holy shit is it disappointing. I thought Bioshock 2 was the worst Bioshock game when I was younger but it is definitely Infinite with how dumbed down and underdeveloped the game is in terms of both story and gameplay.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2023
