This game is so badass.

The aesthetic of the game is one of my favorite parts of it. I love the bleak blue hues and cold look to get the feeling for the Alaskan environment in various parts of the game that almost make you feel like you're in a different planet. The music is crazy too, even if there isn't much of it, the encounter music is iconic as shit and I love the droning midi choirs that play throughout the game.

The narrative and cinematic aspects of the game are incredible and still hold up well now as well as the voice acting. I really grew attached to a lot of people on the codec as well as several of the main characters that appear throughout the game.

The only issues I could say I had with the game was probably just some of the backtracking near the first half of the game was a bit tedious at points.

However, the gameplay was really enjoyable and creative with really out of the box ways to handle different fights and situations that make you think, I really enjoyed the boss fights and how you'd have to figure out how to utilize how to use your sandbox effectively. This also applies to smaller parts of the game like using your lit cigarettes' smoke to be able to detect lasers near the beginning of the game, it's a lot of creative stuff you usually do not see in newer games.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2024
