Portal 2 is a great expansion upon the already rock solid mechanics and intriguing gameplay and level design of Portal 1 alongside just pretty much taking what Portal 1 did and cranking it up to 11.

Better levels, a better story, an even better soundtrack, a longer length with new mechanics added like all the different types of paint and generally a more challenging experience with a very fair and natural learning curve.

Also people who say that this game's writing is "Reddit" are lame. This game's writing is clever and funny as hell. Portal 2 did that "reddit" writing way before it became popular and overdone and even nowadays trying to equate Portal 2 to something like Forespoken or shitty Marvel movies is such a force.

Portal is a series that I think almost everyone plays at least once and I think everyone SHOULD beat it at least once, there's really no other games even remotely like it.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2024
