For fans of: MMORPG Vibes, Twin-stick shooters, Dexterity/Logic Puzzles, RPGs, Collecting.

As someone who grew up playing a lot of World of Warcraft and other such MMOs, I have some nostalgia for playing those games, unfortunately these days I just don't have the time to go back to one. CrossCode does an amazing job of recreating a world that makes you actually believe you are playing an MMO, but in a completely single player game. The dialogue is well crafted to help you forget you are playing by yourself. There are even NPCs running around acting like other players that help with that feeling.
Somehow the way the main character is written, who has only a few lines intentionally, is able to make me feel like she has a personality. The characters you meet along the way have very fun and unique personalities that you can't help but liking. To go with these characters, the story is engaging as well with some mystery to unravel along the way. It's not a totally predictable story either which I always enjoy since it keeps me wanting to see what is next.

The main structure of the game is focused on a twin-stick style of control. You can throw projectiles or use a melee weapon for hitting things around and use a dodge or shield to protect yourself. Not only do you use these in combat, but they are heavily required in the puzzles throughout the game.
There isn't too much to say about combat other than it offers a good challenge, and each enemy typically has a way that makes it easier to defeat it. You just need to figure out what that is, sometimes it's as easy as being weak to an element, sometimes it's a little more complex like bouncing an attack to hit it's back to stun it.
The puzzles can be quite difficult with timing of actions. Later in the game there are some that require you to do about 15 actions in a row and if you mess up you need to go back and try again. There are no penalties for failing otherwise which is nice, so you can take your time to plan everything out.
While all of this can be quite challenging, the game offers some nice accessibility options such as reducing puzzle speed or reduce incoming damage.

The music is just fantastic! It brings you back to those classic JRPGs of yester-year. The songs meld into the world, and I found myself never growing tired of hearing them despite constantly hearing them while playing. I can't forget to mention the song that plays when you get an S-Rank Combo, it goes hard and gets you pumped up for the S-Rank farming.

The game uses the tried and true pixel art and it is quite well done. There are so many different characters and enemies, and besides some colour swaps, they all have very unique designs. Some of the world can be difficult to navigate though with different elevations blending together.
Every new environment stands out from the previous areas, so it's a nice thing to look forward to.

Closing Thoughts:
Overall the game as a package is amazing, it all fits together very well. The collecting of items gives me some of those MMO grinding vibes without overstaying it's welcome. There are some other fun, unique side quests to experience such as a tower defense mini game, as well as some environmental navigating puzzles that reward you with some items.
If you enjoy the random pop culture reference, there are definitely plenty of those strewn about the game, thankfully it isn't hammering you over the head with them.
CrossCode is easily one of my favourite games ever, it just brings me so much nostalgia and happiness when playing, while also giving my brain that tingly feeling of solving or overcoming a difficult challenge.

Abandon Reason: With a roguelike, you want your runs to be fairly short. Unfortunately it took almost 6 hours to get to the final boss, only to realise my cards were absolutely useless.

Abandon Reason: The game unfortunately did not respect my time with a lot of long death runs and a lot of backtracking. As well as some very clumsy gameplay/controls.

Abandon Reason: Walking to a boss for 15sec, then getting one shot is not fun.

Abandon Reason: Bad quest design. lots of crashing

Abandon Reason: Transphobic Storyline

Abandon Reason: World design was very cool, but the game play was boring and repetitive, with poorly planned levels and mechanics

Abandon Reason: Generic Roguelite, doesn't offer anything too new in the genre.

Abandon Reason: Co-op partner lost interest. I will only play this co-op.

Abandon Reason: Weird puzzles, not enough direction, bad walkthroughs. Watched a playthrough.

Abandon Reason: Felt like there was no good progression each loop. Game play got repetitive.

Abandon Reason: Beat the main island, then it just became more annoying than fun.


Abandon Reason: Art was great, but unfortunately the mechanics and performance issues made me give up on beating this.