It's just a game, and it won't make the end any further away, but just for a moment, it's hard not to get wrapped up in it, isn't it?

It sure is a 16-bit beat 'em up

Gorgeous sprite work but I don't think they could've made the movement more of a pain in the ass if they tried

Exactly what you want out of an Indiana Jones adventure game

Immaculate 90s vibes but it's super unpolished and at times confusing

Obviously revolutionary for the time and it's still got its charms for sure (put on Nazi Punks Fuck Off by Dead Kennedys and run through the first stage sometime, it's fun) but the level design is just honestly sorta bad for the most part and enemies hit way too hard for a game that mostly consists of hitscanners. Worth a look for sure but don't expect it to come anywhere close to DOOM's timeless fun.

Pretty alright bargain bin Final Fight

I'm not smart enough for these games (not great at spatial reasoning) but this one is super fun and approachable and has a great aesthetic

Kinda cool and I dig the vibes and aesthetic but ultimately not that polished or fun

Really charming and fun, could use some UX improvements in places but what do you expect from a Genesis game. I like all the character designs and the sprite work is great

Interesting choice to give such a hideous cover art to one of the best-looking games on the NES

This fucks

This game is pretty good but let's be real I'm never gonna actually beat it lmao

What if Mega Man didn't have level design