I'm a Kirby noob so let me get that out there first before anybody says that I just don't know what Kirby is. I'll admit, I'm not a fan of Kirby. When I see gameplay, I see the 2D side-scroller and that's about it. I remember the first time I played it and it was the original in the demos of Super Smash Bros. I kept floating and floating and thought to myself "It's almost infinite" I breezed through that entire demo just floating over top of everything, I considered it broken.

There was one game that wasn't entirely 2D however, called "Kirby 64: Legend of the Crystal Shards" and I adore that game (I guess there was Air Ride too but that's a racing game) I thought we'd never see anything like it again…then Forgotten Land was announced and I was like "Okay! Odyssey for Kirby!" I was sold. No. The demo came out and I figured I'd play it before I bought it, demos usually carry over to the real game anyway and it was easy. Like…really easy. I didn't even play on the easy mode, I played on the harder one which apparently has more enemies and less health or something along those lines. No, it was terribly easy. It might've just been that it was a demo but it surely wasn't what I expected out of the game. The environments weren't really explorable or open like Odyssey, just more open than normal. I knew that it'd be short because I experienced so much from that demo alone. I was disappointed because I was really excited. (turns out it ended up being a decent 10-11 hour length). That has nothing to do with this game but just some background to how I ended up buying this anyway.

Nova. I saw this thing and was in awe. It looks so cool and I heard a certain story tidbit about it and I knew I had to check it out. I could've visited the SNES title because this is technically a remaster/remake but I bought this one to see it all in 3D (cutscenes, not gameplay) plus it seemed like Ultra added more as a whole.

The first two worlds are not what you should judge this game on because I played those two and they were unreasonably easy much like I felt with the other games but then the third world fixed relatively all the qualms I had with it and from then on. It even added treasures that you can find throughout the map. And it's a stark difference, I actually found myself kind of stuck towards the end.

You can also give a power up to make into your companion, which if I let Kirby go, they would do all of the work in no time but they also have a health bar and it seems more vulnerable than yours (probably because of the AI) but if you face them a certain way after so much time, then I guess Kirby gives them a face sucking or hickey or something because it starts healing them. Just adds to the cuteness points.

Once you finish the game, you unlock Meta Knightmare Mode which is the game but as Meta Knight. It's not really a hard mode but it gave me more initiative to play the game, it's got a different story and such (or at least cutscenes, Stage 4 doesn't make a whole lot of sense though). While I might've preferred different levels, it was a nice addition. It's like a speedrun version with slight modifications here and there where you don't have the copy ability and instead have the sword at all times. The more enemies you defeat, the more points you get and those points can be used to heal/get a companion/increase walk speed/do mega damage.

As far as what you want out of this game, every chapter is different, it's own contained story for mostly, in fact credits play at the end of most of them. There's also cool minigames to take into account but those are optional so I don't necessarily count them because who buys a game for the minigames? It's a cool little cutesy game, I spent an okay amount of hours on it so I'm satisfied.

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2022
