~Return of the Queen~

I've mentioned how I don't like being rushed or chased by things in video games, so I thought about skipping this one but then I heard that the EMMIs weren't as relentless as initially thought and EMMIs don't chase you the whole game, just narrow sections. I had played the demo when it came out but I wasn't very good at it but after playing Samus Returns. I wanted more. Fusion came and went. I wanted more of that too and this sort of combines the two so this was the obvious answer.

Really, if you liked Samus Returns then that prepares you for this and this just builds on that. It's a real treat and natural progression of the Metroid franchise. I've come to notice just how much this game was meaning to happen between being cancelled on the DS, having that stealth-like section at the end of Zero Mission and whatnot.

But this isn't really about stealth, you see, you have "muscle memory loss" but you're still powerful. But it just wouldn't be Metroid without a broken mechanic because we have the "crossfire bomb" which is an extension of the ball bomb, sporting a Bomberman type thing and then that's supposed to boost you past a stretch of pitfall blocks…except, you could've just given us the spider ball??? Or even use the new magnetic tracks in some way. And we have the power bomb to get rid of stuff all at once so I felt kind of dumb using the crossfire.

The map is back as well and you can even mark it, oh how I've missed the markers, it also does a better job at labeling that stuff, much more detailed.

Let's talk about EMMI though since they seem to be one of the main attractions used in marketing. Each one represents a different Aeion ability and color, you immediately know where an EMMI's territory is but you don't always know where the actual bot is, so trekking through these places is really just running blindly where ever you can then once you have the power to defeat it (which needs to be obtained and only lasts long enough to defeat one at a time) you can go back and properly explore that area.

One of the things I love most about some of the bosses in the series as a whole is when they're built up. This game has the most build-up to multiple bosses and that's through it's exquisite use of its backgrounds. Same with the movement, it's like if every jump in Mario was the long jump, so smooth.

Story is pretty strong, the ending is a bit strange though and by strange, I mean nothing out of the ordinary. Sakamoto said that this was the end of the five game arc and a new chapter would begin, which makes sense for the franchise since "Metroids" are technically extinct now but it's just strange to end it that way as "the end of an entire arc", there's a lot in there, I assure you but just not what I expected.

See You Next Mission.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2023
