I was excited when this game was announced, it looks like a bit of Stranger Things mixed with something else. I really liked how the main character looked so I bought it when it came out, I didn't watch much of it until it launched because I wanted to go in fresh and blind. I think that was the best way to go about it to be honest because it's sort of like a horror/thriller/action genre and I really like it.

I won't spoil it for you but here are some of my thoughts since I finished it. The game NAILS the eerie feeling, everything seems kind of out of the ordinary, I died laughing when I found the jukebox, but it introduces you to this world that you can't really describe. It keeps you on your toes and makes you think everyone could be a potential bad guy because everybody in this game seems crazy but I love it, it sets up that doubt. I imagined it to just be an asylum type prison thing where you had to escape and I was wrong (still would have been cool) but no, it's not even just an office area, it varies immensely, I didn't expect it to be so big.

The gun can change forms (shotgun, flare, pistol, etc. (no sniper sadly) and that's really cool because you can go and upgrade them and give them traits to make them better, I personally go for the shotgun which is rare for me and games.

Now this game isn't perfect, it has a few flaws. For example, for the bosses, if you die, then you get sent back to the last control point, which can be a hassle because you have to sit through a loading screen, run back, start the cut-scene again then mow the enemies down (except the very end, it seems generous there). This isn't new for any games, some have been much harsher but I guess KH spoils me with that restart the boss thing. Speaking of bosses, they aren't even really bosses, and there aren't even really levels, just missions. The 'bosses' are more like enemies that take a spotlight but just somewhat above average. It's not really at the end of every mission or anything, they're pretty rare tbh and it's different to see it that way. Does that make this game easy? Oh heck no, this game has one difficulty so if you want hard, it will give you hard, take the missions you want, I would say as many as you can.

I say that because each mission gives you ability points and crafting points which you can use for traits for Jesse (MC) and for your gun. Some may even be higher health, higher energy and such. I'm still going to try and go back to see how strong I can get but I did quite a few of the side missions already. Getting back to difficulty, there will be moments where you'll be like 'Ha I can cheese this' and just use your abilities to get away from the enemies but you need to look around every corner because they will make up for it later, there's always enemies on the prowl, even if you snag a control point.

Another thing I'm not a big fan of is wasting energy and ammo. I suppose that makes it more realistic but a lock on button would be pretty good, it's suppose to do it anyway but sometimes it takes an extra second and that can mean all the more. Just a minor nitpick that a KH fan such as myself gets spoiled with once again. There was a part where I got stuck on a loading screen and actually had to restart my game because it wouldn't let me teleport. Sometimes it lags and the frame-rate drops pretty quick but this is my copy, I don't think I've seen any problems with anybody else's yet, not on videos, not on reviews, I even looked up problems but I guess I'm the only one so take that in mind that it might just be the disc as well as me using a standard vanilla Playstation 4 vs a PS4 Pro which can run it better. I guess you could chalk that up as it really pushing the limits of the console but I can forgive it because for one the graphics look so dang good, there's even some live action stuff and it renders in real time so it needs to add that extra layer to make it look good (I know that's what it is because the only other game I saw do that was Minecraft) but it makes it look cinematic and that's a good trade in my opinion. (for this game at least)

The whole "Taking control of enemies" or seizing them leaves you vulnerable because it takes a few seconds to do it, but they're pretty generous and you can move freely as long as you have the thumb on the button and I think enemies even take it easy on you because I don't think I died while seizing an enemy once. You can also upgrade it so that the seizing time is shorter so I wanted to point out how well they did with that ability. I love the levitation and I can't get enough of the launching, that's my preferred method of combat now actually. At the beginning it was punching so...ha!

This was a really good game, reminds me of a stellar chiller thriller movie like the Shining, keeps up an aesthetic, has good gameplay, what's not to love?

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2021
