A pretty solid attempt at 3D Castlevania, but not without some flaws and jank.

I think it's pretty cool that they attempted to make a 3D metroidvania here, but it doesn't feel like a true metroidvania, I would've liked more side content like in Symphony of the night. But the level design is still solid, it's just not as good as the masterpiece that is Symphony of the night.

The combat is decent and can be pretty fun at times, but my main issue is that it's too repetitive and gets old before the game ends. The bossfights are pretty good though, I have no complaints about them.

I also love the music, it's great even by Castlevania standards.

The game's story was also better than I expected, although I had low expectations on this front. There is a good deal of emotion carried across by the actors in certain scenes which I really liked. Although some scenes seemed to me to have no background noise, not music or even ambience, which is very strange and makes them feel a little more awkward.

One little thing I greatly appreciated was the super quick loading times, this is something that many people won't notice that improves the experience drastically.

Overall, I really enjoyed this game and think it lays down a solid foundation for a sequel, but it gives a medium budget feel with some jank and repetition. It is a worthwhile game for fans of Iga's Castlevania games as long as you can get it for a decent price.

Reviewed on Apr 15, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

The two PS2 'vanias are better than their rep, it's a shame most people are so dismissive of them