Simple and decently enjoyable. I found it to be a little frustrating at times with it not giving you rings on some levels, so you would just die in one hit. The game is very short and not incredibly difficult, so you shouldn't have much problem beating it. Its length also prevents it from getting boring before you finish it. I also found getting the chaos emeralds to be pretty fun, although I saw no benefit from getting them, just like the genesis version. The game also has a moderate amount of slowdown, but it's not game ruining. I liked the special levels, although them rewarding you with continues made no sense, because continues are no different from extra lives, so why didn't they just reward you with 3 extra lives instead? There were some new zones and they weren't super notable visually speaking, although they did mix up the gameplay fairly well. It's a decently enjoyable game overall, not very notable in my opinion though, I vastly prefer the genesis version of this game.

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2023
