Batman: Arkham Knight is the final chapter in the Rocksteady Batman franchise, putting Batman against his greatest foes all in one night. Batman is going to need his full arsenal in order to take on the mysterious Arkham Knight and Scarecrow.

The base Rocksteady gameplay mechanics still remain unchanged, but the newly added moves provide even more combat options as you take on tougher enemies, both fist-to-fist and tank-on-tank. The newest addition to Batman's arsenal is a fully driveable and combat-ready Batmobile. Batman can race around the city in mere seconds while also being able to transform into a battle mode to take on a drone tank army. While fun at first, the majority of the story is spent in the Batmobile, either solving puzzles or taking on more drone tanks, which gets really repetitive later on, as it's mostly dodging their lines of sight and shooting back.

Those familiar with their Batman lore will probably recognize this game as a remix of a popular Batman story, revolving around the Arkham Knight. The game does well in providing the ending chapter of the Batman franchise, both in confronting the Arkham Knight and taking on supervillains who have banded together to destroy the Batman. The ending is satisfying, although expected.

Rocksteady seriously amped up the graphics and pushed them to the max, at first making the PC port nearly unplayable. Since then, the game has vastly improved and runs well enough. There are noticeable frame drops and visual hiccups, but nothing game-breaking. The design of Gotham City works very well in tandem with the Batmobile, no awkward narrow roads or tunnels I couldn't race through.

I can't say this is a perfect game, though. In introducing the Batmobile as a new mechanic, I felt it was extremely overused. Certain plot points in the story revolved around doing X task with the Batmobile, which is fine a few times, but it happens too often. Although not forced into constantly using the Batmobile, it seemed highly encouraged even though flying through the city was much more convenient. Also, anyone familiar with Batman's history will probably be able to guess an important detail regarding the Arkham Knight, and I found it slightly disappointing.

The season pass includes access to Riddler challenges as well as skins and expansion stories. Although extremely short, the mini-stories are well done and worth doing at least once. The season pass is worth a buy if it's on sale.

Overall, Rocksteady delivered a fun and engaging finale to Batman. With all new mechanics and a well-thought-out story, Batman fans will definitely enjoy this game, even with some Batmobile overkill. Great job to Rocksteady for culminating three games' worth of content and gameplay into one epic finale.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2024
