Log Status






Time Played

313h 42m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 27, 2023

First played

December 26, 2023

Platforms Played




First Time

December 2023



After playing about 4 and a half online games I realized that the game just isn't for me anymore. I played one game that was pretty close and enjoyable, 2 where I got steam rolled, 1 where we steamrolled, and then the on the fifth one I just realized after getting killed right away 4 times, it just wasn't enjoyable and I was only pushing through hoping I would like it. I think at this point it's safe to say I won't.

0h 42m




I wanted a new shooter to play for some fun filler time when playing games and heard that not only was Halo doing a good job with the battle pass system that no one else was doing, but that the game was just getting better as time went on. Lots of updates that people were happy with that the playerbase (while still meager compared to what Halo used to be) was slowly but surely getting bigger. My first impressions when I finally booted up some bot matches weren't great. The game felt way floatier than I remember the IP being. The controls were weird but that was because I had controller muscle memory and adjusting to M&K would just take time. Weapons were numerous but felt like far too many were just ever so slight differences that it was essentially splitting hairs? The actual turning felt awful too. A lot of old console shooters had an "acceleration" to it where as you turned it would speed up the longer you held it and it honestly felt like that with the mouse. I looked for an option to turn this off but couldn't find anything. (Which is no surprise since the menus for that game are not easy to navigate at all.)
But I just assumed it was growing pains both with the IP being slightly different from what I remembered, and that the controls would be hard to adjust to since I played the game on controller for hundreds of hours as a kid.

313h 0m
